Quit Blaming Video Games!

Nothing irks me more than to see two grown men on any news channel, sit there and blame shootings on video games. Quit blaming video games. I’ve been gaming for over 40 years, I never thought about hurting anyone or going on a killing spree or robbing a bank or stealing a car. What about violet movies? That’s not a thing? Compare Rambo First Blood to any Call of Duty game.

Mental instability is not caused by a video games or violent movies. I’m a gamer and I play video games and I write blogs about video games. Am I psychotic? What about podcasters that talk about video games? How about bloggers that write about video games? What about steamers like the Two Time Champ, Doctor Disrespect? He wears a wig, sun glasses, a vest, and he steams all game plays, mainly on Call of Duty War zone. How about Blame Truth, Nick Mercs, Tim “The Tat” man, GG Reloaded, I can go on and on. Tell me, are we all, you know, psychotic? Are we all dangerous now?

If you can not sit there and understand that anyone that is mentally unstable and prone to any kind of violence on any kind of level, the last thing they’re going to be thinking about it’s a video game and or a violent movie. Why not sit there and blame movies, say, “The Shinning”, look, it’s not a romantic comedy, is it? How about Friday the 13th? Halloween? Saw? What, want me to list 50 plus years of movies that contain anything and everything you can think off? Hold on, how about MMA, The UFC, how about Boxing? I can sit here and “attribute” any category and to be the a cause for some committing violence, from alcohol, videogames, violent movies, music, list goes on. How fair would that be?

How about pro wrestling? “Wait, wrestling is fake, bro”! Yeah, hold up. Give me two days, I’ll built me a 50 foot cage, add a table, and when I do, you come over, we climb up and then I get to, not only power bomb you on the steal cage, multiple times over, if it brakes, you fall land on the grass, won’t hurt. Then get up, climb up again, and then I’ll grab you by the hair, throw you off of the cage, you’ll land on the tables, then I want you to get up again. Why not? The Undertaker through Cactus Jake off of a steal cage and he’s fine. Remember, it’s fake!

Wait up bro! That’s scripted. Right! But you’re not mentally unstable, are you? You understand what’s real and what’s scripted acting. We all understand the difference. Movies, Video Games, Sports Entertainment, it’s all scripted. Someone that’s mentally unstable do not follow a script. Anyone that’s mentally unstable, for example, can read any of my blogs and loose it. Now, I’m being threaten or, they go out and hurt someone because of what I wrote on a blog about a game based on my opinion alone? So, am I the cause of their unstability?

Lets go a it bit deeper, lets hit on some infamous serial killers. Maybe they had violent video games back then that none of us know about. Now, tell me, how about Charles Manson? John Wayne Gacy? Ted Bundy? David Berkowitz? H.H. Holmes, The Zodiac Killer, Dennis Rade, just to name a few, were all their crimes attributed to video games? Lets go back further. How about the first murder in human history when Cane murdered his brother Able. What, you’re going to blame it on stick ball? How about world dictators? Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, you mean to tell me that movies, video games, drugs, are the root of there greed, hunger for power, murdering innocents people? Maybe Putin was playing Battlefield and of of the sudden, he was motivated to attack Ukraine. All of it sound down right stupid, doesn’t it?

To sit there and blame video game, it’s out right moronic in every sense of the word. If you’re a “so called” professional, don’t you think you can do a lot better than to just sit there and blame video games? How about acknowledging the fact that you have people that are mentally unstable that carry on normal or semi-normal lives. Some may play video games, others may watch violent movies, or read a novel based on a serial killer, you name it. Others may have sick and twisted imaginations and run with it. You even have some that blame Satan. “Satan told me to do it”. and Look, I can be one side too. Let me show you…

Violet movies has been around a lot longer than HD video games. Video game developers can read a violent novel, watch a classic horror movies and then, or even do research on a historic war, such as WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Desert Storm, or something based off of a true story, come up with an idea and introduce that idea into the gaming world to allow gamer experience the intensity from a first or, third person perspective, putting you right smack of in the role of whatever the gaming developers created, and give the player consequence and ad some twist and turn in the process.

Now lets blame movie directors, producers, movie writers, hey, the script writer is twisted, look at what the writer wrote! That’s crazy Yet, that violent movie won a golden globe award at the end of the year and reporters are happy to interview them, praise there work, outstanding screen play, fantastic acting and how she told the story of how he murder so and so and bought the character to life. While all along, video games are attributed to violence. That’s being one sided.

In a nut shell

You can sit there on any news outlet and use video games as a scape goat for violence. When in fact, anything, for the mentally unstable, can be a trigger point, from music, movies, video games to drugs, alcohol and anything you want to add to the mix. I’m a gamer. What’s the solution? Outlawing the entertainment and gaming industry? Why, because every has too be an extreme with most people? I’ve been gaming since 1979 to present. I’m a son. I’m a brother. I’m a friend. My faith is with the Lord God Jesus Christ and I’m far from perfect. However, for you or anyone to say that video games are the cause or it’s attributed today’s violence it’s down right pathetic.

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