Playing Modern Warfare II Early Proved What?

It seems that a few of Call of Duty pro-players got a chance to play Modern Warfare II 2022 early. The problem is their statements. It’s nothing more than to hype up a game with little to no information. To say it’s going to be “the best Call of Duty of all time” means, what? He’s not saying anything. What part of the game did he play that he considers it the best, career mode, multiplayer, both perhaps? How long did he play it for? For the last several years, the majority have been saying that we don’t want Skill Base Match Making, we don’t want Broken Lobbies. I’ll go as far as to say, no one care for a free to play mode in a triple A game. We want a security system implemented so we don’t have to deal with those that run hacks/cheat, hence, aimbot, walls, etc. Why is it the best call of duty of all time?

Again, you have three post from three different players and their statement doesn’t say anything. If the topic is competitive, then Faze is talking to a niche of players and not the entire player base as a whole. The majority do not play competitive. What did he test exactly? TTK, match making? What did he find? Nothing is said to reassure the player base that the game is moving in a positive directions. For example, Skill Base Match Making is going to be for ‘Competitive Lobbies” and not public lobbies. That would be good and positive news for the “CoD Community” along with, no more broken lobbies after every session. To sit there and post statements with no foundation makes no sense. What is he excited for exactly?

Again, to play what? And what feed back? It just seems that they just played around with the game to see how it would fair out for the Call of Duty League while putting the entire player base in the back burner with vague stamens that doesn’t mean anything to anyone that not in the CoD League, to give feed back on what can be improved, changed, or made better.

Activision needs to focus more on how not to loose 50 million players. Every year is the same thing, buy a CoD game in October or November, and come the first half of the year, the majority drop the game like a bad habit. People are sick and tired of dealing with those that run hacks/cheats every year, year after year and nothing gets done. To make matters worst, what use to be earned, it’s locked away behind a paywall with an expensive price tag attached to what we use to earn in older CoD games. Maintaining a player base means to do right by the gamers. Not to sit there and monetize everything with an expensive price tag, lock even more behind a battle pass and then figure out how to lead gamers to buy from the in- store.

Furthermore, getting a few gamers that stream and give empty stamens is not a selling point. It’s not going to keep a gamers from dropping the game a few month in. When we’re not heard, the next move is simple, drop the game, see if it improves if not, wait until next year with “false” hopes that things will be different but they’re not. Last time, no one asked for Skill Based Match Making. No one asked for Prestige Levels to be removed. No one asked for lobbies to be disbanded. No one asked for a Battle Pass to be implemented. No one asked for over priced cosmetics that use to be earned in-game and not monetized.

It’s always going to go back to the same complaints, arguments, frustrations, annoyances for one simple reason, Activision does not listen. It’s been this way for years. But that’s ok. I wouldn’t be fair for me to say or speculate that Modern Warfare II 2022 is going to have or not have. One can only assume based on pass games like Vanguard, Cold War and Modern Warfare 2019. Still, we all have to wait and see. Who knows, maybe Modern Warfare will go back to it’s roots or maybe not. But playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare Early proved nothing.

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