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    • #9024
      The Social Pit

        PS3 had PS Plus but it was optional. You get 2 free games a month and game discounts. But, when they released PS4, they only way they were going to get everyone to buy PS Plus was if they locked the online multiplayer behind PS Plus. Many of us left to PC and others stayed and paid. Every game on PlayStation were on every other platform like Xbox and PC, except for Sony Exclusive. if I’m paying over $100 bucks a month for internet access, how the hell am I going to pay Sony $60 bucks a year to let me do what I already am doing?

        Prior to moving to PC in 2016, I bought a PS4 two years before. I was convinced by a friend of my, here’s looking at you Big Worm🤣, that PS Plus had all these outstanding benefits. After a few days, I realized it was the same crap as PS3, get two free games a month, mainly indie or games no bought and discounts on new released games, that’s it. I wasn’t bothered to pay $59.99 for a video game. And the idea of getting “free” games is complete crap. As long as you pay … Let me say it again. As long as you pay, you get to keep the games they allow you to have. Understand? It’s not free.

        Furthermore, are not paying to get free games. People are paying PS Plus because Sony decided it was the only way to get PS Gamers to pay for a subscription that the majority did not want. No? let me prove it to you. Have Sony make PS Plus optional by removing the online component to play multiplayer and watch over 50% to 85% not renew the PS Plus. Why? Again, we already pay to have internet service. If you don’t pay you internet, you’re not going to be able to play any PS Game with PS Plus. PS Plus does not substitute your ISP.

        In early 2016, I didn’t renew my PS Plus. I jumped on my PC, downloaded Steam, created an account, bought my first game, The Elder Scrolls Online. I felt the relief of not having to pay for a moronic subscription to play online. I’ve been on PC for the last eight year building my collection of games, old and new. On PC, old game are backward compatible. The only thing that I miss out on are some exclusives and even that, Sony is adding exclusives to PC, on Steam. Lastly, on PC, namely Microsoft Windows, I have the Xbox app. I can buy Xbox games on PC, for example Forza Horizon 4. An no, you do not pay for Xbox Gold to play multiplayer games. In short, PC has more benefits over console.

        Yet, those that remain playing on Play Station, refuse to band together, stand in unity and demand that PS Plus become optional like it was on PS3; to remove the online multiplayer from PS Plus. Yet, no one does that and the PlayStation community remains divided. Hence, PS Plus will stay and prices will continue to go up, that’s without question. And you, as a PlayStation gamer will have to pay whatever Sony choose to charge. And don’t misunderstand, I spoke up but everyone said, just buy it, we’re all buying it and paying for PS Plus. You need an entire community or, at least the majority to make a difference and to see a change.

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